пятница, 19 сентября 2014 г.

По образу и подобию В. Н.

It was an elevator. Elevator of the house I've never been in before.
He was standing close to me. 7th floor.
I was thinking about the airport and this disgusting cake which they used to give to the passengers aboard.
"I leave. Again." - I thought.
I nearly knew it would be the last thing, the last time before I lose it.
Through the haze of my thoughts I heard a dim voice:
-Missed me?
-More than you can imagine.
Could not see anything through the haze which was my own doubts.

We entered the flat together and I could not find the place for my coat. The air smelled like home. I looked at the wall. It was the wall I see every day. Came to the window trying to count the floors.

"There are about 2 floors" - I thought. - "Where are the rest 5?"

Went back to check the elevator and did not find it. Instead of it found the stairs.
I suddenly realized there was no elevator at all. Never.
The building had just 3 floors and the roof.

The haze was gone. I asked if a stewardess could bring me a cake.

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